Family and Friends 1st та 2nd ed - Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 комплекти
2024-04-20 - Книги и журналы- Харків
Для замовлення та по усім питанням пишіть нам у повідомлення! Детальні фото можна переглянути у нашом INSTАGRАM booksprinting Ціна в оголошенні вказана за комплект Class book + Work Book будь-якого рівня. Є оптові знижки! Можна окремо купити книгу або зошит, до деяких книг є аудіо та відео. Для замовлення доступні: Family and Friends Starter (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 1 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 1 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 1 The Sandcastle Competition Family and Friends 1 Flashcards (друк з однієї сторони на картоні без брошурування) Family and Friends 1 (Testing and Evaluation Book) 1st Family and Friends 2 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 2 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 3 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 3 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 3 (Flashcards) 1st (друк з однієї сторони на картоні без брошурування) Family and Friends 3 (Testing and Evaluation Book) 1st Family and Friends 4 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 4 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 4 Words Flashcards (друк з однієї сторони на картоні без брошурування) Family and Friends 4 (Testing and Evaluation Book) 1st Family and Friends 5 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 5 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends Starter (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends Starter (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 1 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 1 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 1 (Teacher's Book) 2nd Family and Friends Readers 1 The Little Red Hen Family and Friends Readers 1 Benny and the Biscuits Family and Friends Readers 1 The Sandcastle Competition Family and Friends Readers 1 Three Billy Goats Family and Friends Readers 1 Three Billy Goats New Family and Friends 2 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 2 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 2 (Teacher's Book) 2nd Family and Friends Readers 2 The Camping Trip Family and Friends Readers 2 The Bear on the Stairs Family and Friends 3 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 3 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 3 (Teacher's Book) 2nd Family and Friends Readers 3 Two Kites Family and Friends Readers 3 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Family and Friends 4 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 4 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 4 (Teacher's Book) 2nd Family and Friends 5 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 5 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 5 (Teacher's Book) 2nd Family and Friends Readers 5 Grace Darling Family and Friends Readers 5 Around the World in Eighty Days Family and Friends 6 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 6 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 6 (Teacher's Book) 2nd Також є граматика: Grammar Friends 1 (Tim Ward) Grammar Friends 2 (Tim Ward) Grammar Friends 3 (Eileen Flannigan) Grammar Friends 4 (Eileen Flannigan) Grammar Friends 5 (Tim Ward) Grammar Friends 6 (Eileen Flannigan)


Family and Friends - PDF, електронні книги, электронные ПДФ
2022-07-08 - Книги и журналы- Харьков
Електронні книги в форматі PDF Ціна вказана за 1 книгу! 1 книга - 20 грн 2 книги в замовленні - по 17 грн кожна (34 грн за будь-які дві книги) 3 книги в замовленні та більше - по 15 грн за кожну книгу Оплата на картку Приватбанку або Монобанку Відправка на електронну пошту, у Телеграм або у Вайбер після оплати. Family and Friends Starter (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 1 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 1 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 1 The Sandcastle Competition Family and Friends 1 (Testing and Evaluation Book) 1st Family and Friends 2 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 2 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 3 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 3 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 3 (Testing and Evaluation Book) 1st Family and Friends 4 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 4 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends 4 (Testing and Evaluation Book) 1st Family and Friends 5 (Class book) 1st Family and Friends 5 (Work Book) 1st Family and Friends Starter (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends Starter (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 1 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 1 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 2 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 2 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 3 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends Readers 3 Two Kites Family and Friends 3 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 4 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 4 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 5 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 5 (Work Book) 2nd Family and Friends 6 (Class book) 2nd Family and Friends 6 (Work Book) 2nd Grammar Friends 1 (Tim Ward) Grammar Friends 2 (Tim Ward) Grammar Friends 3 (Eileen Flannigan) Grammar Friends 4 (Eileen Flannigan) Grammar Friends 5 (Tim Ward) Є також багато інших підручників, питайте! 1 книга – 20 грн 2 книги в заказе – по 17 грн каждая (34 грн за любые две книги) 3 книги в заказе и больше – по 15 грн за каждую книгу Оплата на карту ПриватБанка или Монобанка Отправка на электронную почту, в Телеграм или Вайбер после оплаты. Есть также много других учебников, спрашивайте! Скриншоты страниц по запросу.


Family and Friends 2nd Edition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Starter ціна за SB+WB
2024-04-30 - Книги и журналы- Київ
Друк підручників виконаний на лазерному прінтері в кольорі і робочий зошит чорно-білий , надійна проклейка на термобіндері . Текст і якість друку як в оригінальному підручнику . Швидка відправка замовлення зручним для Вас способом . Ціна вказана за комплект (книжка та робочий зошит). Книги нові, обкладинка та задник ламіновані. При замовленні однакових книг можливі приємні знижки . Є й інші підручники , ви можете написати у повідомлення які саме потрібно - намагатимусь знайти і відправити якнайшвидше . Family and Friends 2nd Edition Starter Class Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition Starter Workbook Family and Friends 2nd Edition Starter Teacher's Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 1 Class Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 1 Workbook Family and Friends 2nd Edition 1 Teacher's Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 2 Class Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 2 Workbook Family and Friends 2nd Edition 2 Teacher's Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 3 Class Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 3 Workbook Family and Friends 2nd Edition 3 Teacher's Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 4 Class Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 4 Workbook Family and Friends 2nd Edition 4 Teacher's Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 5 Class Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 5 Workbook Family and Friends 2nd Edition 5 Teacher's Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 6 Class Book Family and Friends 2nd Edition 6 Workbook Family and Friends 2nd Edition 6 Teacher's Book


Family and Friends Readers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Книги для читання)
2023-01-13 - Книги и журналы- Київ
Family and Friends Readers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Книги для читання) Students Book / Посібник = 15. : Family and Friends 1 Readers A The Little Red Hen Family and Friends 1 Readers B Three Billy Goats Family and Friends 1 Readers C The Sandcastle Competition Family and Friends 1 Readers D Benny and the Biscuits Family and Friends 2 Readers A The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Family and Friends 2 Readers B The Shoemaker and the Elves Family and Friends 2 Readers C The Camping Trip Family and Friends 2 Readers D The Bear on the Stairs Family and Friends 3 Readers A Snow White Family and Friends 3 Readers B Sinbad Family and Friends 3 Readers C Pinocchio Family and Friends 3 Readers D Two Kites Family and Friends 4 Readers A Sherlock Holmes The Blue Diamond Family and Friends 4 Readers B A Little Princess Family and Friends 4 Readers C The Lost World Family and Friends 4 Readers D Changing Places Family and Friends 5 Readers Around the World in Eighty Days Family and Friends 5 Readers Grace Darling Family and Friends 5 Readers The Jungle Book Family and Friends 5 Readers To the Rescue Family and Friends 6 Readers Information Technology Family and Friends 6 Readers Prisoner of Zenda Family and Friends 6 Readers The Merchant of Venice Family and Friends 6 Readers The Secret Garden


Family and Friends Teachers Book - ОРИГІНАЛ. 1,2,3,4,5,6, Starter
2024-04-25 - Книги и журналы- Київ
РОЗПРОДАЖ! Книга для вчителя до курсу Family and friends. Методичка з відповідями. НОВІ, ОРИГІНАЛ, коди доступу під захисною плівкою. Family and Friends 2nd Edition 1: Teacher's Book Plus 400.00 Family and Friends 2nd Edition 2: Teacher's Book Plus 400.00 Family and Friends 2nd Edition 3: Teacher's Book Plus 400.00 Family and Friends 2nd Edition 4: Teacher's Book Plus 400.00 Family and Friends 2nd Edition 5: Teacher's Book Plus 400.00 Family and Friends 2nd Edition 6: Teacher's Book Plus 400.00 Family and Friends 2nd Edition Starter: Teacher's Book Plus 300.00


Speakout, усі рівні, перше та друге видання - англійська
2023-05-24 - Книги и журналы- Харків
Для замовлення та по усім питанням пишіть нам у повідомлення: Telеgrаm/Vibеr - 05******00 (з понеділка по суботу з 9 до 17) INSTАGRАM booksprinting Ціна в оголошенні вказана за один комплект Speakout (Student book кольоровий + Workbook ч/б) будь-якого рівня. Оптові знижки від 10-и комплектів або від 5 окремих книг! Можна окремо купити книгу або зошит, для замовлення доступні: Speakout Starter 1st Edition Speakout Starter 2nd Edition Student's Book Speakout Starter 2nd Edition Workbook (with key) Speakout Starter 2nd Edition Workbook (with key)+Tests+доп. материалы Speakout Starter 2nd Edition Teacher's Book Speakout Elementary 2nd Edition Student's Book Speakout Elementary 2nd Edition Workbook (with key) Speakout Elementary 2nd Edition Workbook (with key)+Tests+доп. материалы Speakout Elementary 2nd Edition Teacher's Book Speakout Pre-Intermediate 2nd Edition Student's Book Speakout Pre-Intermediate 2nd Edition Workbook (with key) Speakout Pre-Intermediate 2nd Edition Workbook (with key)+Tests+доп. материалы Speakout Pre-Intermediate 2nd Edition Teacher's Book Speakout Pre-Intermediate 1st Edition Student's Book Speakout Pre-Intermediate 1st Edition Workbook Speakout Intermediate 2nd Edition Student's Book Speakout Intermediate 2nd Edition Workbook (with key) Speakout Intermediate 2nd Edition Workbook (with key)+Tests+доп. материалы Speakout Intermediate 2nd Edition Teacher's Book Speakout Upper-Intermediate 2nd Edition Student's Book Speakout Upper-Intermediate 2nd Edition Workbook (with key) Speakout Upper-Intermediate 2nd Edition Workbook (with key)+Tests+доп. материалы Speakout Upper-Intermediate 2nd Edition Teacher's Book Speakout Upper-Intermediate 1st Edition Student's Book Speakout Upper-Intermediate 1st Edition Workbook (with key) Speakout Advanced 1st Edition Student's Book Speakout Advanced 1st Edition Workbook (with key) Speakout Advanced 2nd Edition Student's Book Speakout Advanced 2nd Edition Workbook (with key) Speakout Advanced 2nd Edition Workbook (with key)+Tests+доп. материалы Speakout Advanced 2nd Edition Teacher's Book Speakout Advanced Plus 2nd Edition Student's Book Speakout Advanced Plus 2nd Edition Workbook Speakout Advanced Plus 2nd Edition Teacher's Book Speakout Extra до усіх рівнів Детальні фото книг можна переглянути в Instаgrаm або надішлемо на запит.


63 English workbooks; student's, activity, grammar books
2022-09-08 - Книги и журналы- Харьков
Petrina Cliff - YLE Tests, Starters, Teacher's book, Cambridge Petrina Cliff - YLE Tests, Starters, Cambridge - x2 (диски присутствуют) Teaching and Learning Materials - Cambridge English Anne Robinson, Karen Saxby - Fun for Starters, Studen'ts Book, Cambridge - x2 Susan Lannuzzi - First Friends 1, Class Book, Oxfortd (диски присутствуют) Susan Lannuzzi - First Friends 1, Workbook, Oxfortd Susan Lannuzzi - First Friends 1, Alphabet Book, Oxfortd - x6 Susan Lannuzzi - First Friends 2, Class Book, Oxfortd - x2 Susan Lannuzzi - First Friends 2, Activity Book, Oxfortd - x2 Susan Lannuzzi - Family and Friends 2, Class Book, Oxfortd Susan Lannuzzi - Family and Friends 2, Work Book, Oxfortd Tomzin Thompson - Family and Friends 3, Class Book, Oxfortd Liz Driscoll - Family and Friends 3, Work Book, Oxfortd Tomzin Thompson, Noomi Simmons - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Oxfortd Tim Ward- Grammar Friends 1, Oxford (диски присутствуют) Tim Ward - Grammar Friends 2, Oxford (диски присутствуют) Eileen Flannigan - Grammar Friends 3, Oxford - x2 (диски присутствуют) Lorena Roberts - Happy Street 2, Teacher's Book Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts - Happy Street 2, Activity Book, Oxfort - x2 Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts - Happy Street 2, Class Book, Oxfort - x2 Elizabeth Gray-Virginia Evans - Welcome, Teacher's Book Elizabeth Gray-Virginia Evans - Welcome, Pupil's book 2 Elizabeth Gray-Virginia Evans - Welcome, Workbook Cath Lawday, Richard MacAndrew - Three billy-Goats, Activity Book Oxford English video - x2 Cath Lawday, Richard MacAndrew - Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Activity Book Oxford English video - x5 Naomi Simmons - You and Me 1, Activity Book, Macmillan - x5 Naomi Simmons - You and Me 1, Pupil's Book, Macmillan - x6 Nicole Taylor & Michael Watts - Grammar Goals, Pupil's Book, Macmillan English World - Dictionary 2, Macmillan Sandra Fox - Starters, practice tests, Macmillan Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley - New Round-Up, English Grammar Practice, Student's Book The Gingerbread Man - Classic Tales, Level 2, Oxford Helen Casey - Reading and writing 2, Oxford primary skills D'Arcy Adrian-Vallance - Junior Comprehension 1 Cinderella - Classic Tales, Activity Book, Elementray 2 Jenny Dooley - The Story Of Santa Claus Мой первый английский словарь О.В.Ісаєнко, А.В.Нікуліна - Готуємо руку до письма Плакат Ukrainian Cities


Our World 1st, 2nd Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
2022-10-01 - Книги и журналы- Киев
Our World 1st, 2nd Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Книги на почту. Цена за любой комплект Our World Students Book + Workbook В наличии книги для 2nd Edition: Our World 2nd Starter Our World 2nd 1 Our World 2nd 2 Our World 2nd 3 Our World 2nd 4 Our World 2nd 5 Our World 2nd 6 Аудио(диск): 20грн. LessonPlanner(книга для учителя с ответами): 40грн. Видео(диск) есть к Starter, 1, 2 и 3 книгам: 20грн. GrammarWorkbook(грамматика тетрадь) есть к 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 и 6 книгам: 30грн. В наличии книги для 1st Edition: Our World 2nd Starter Our World 2nd 1 Our World 2nd 2 Our World 2nd 3 Our World 2nd 4 Our World 2nd 5 (нет workbook) Our World 2nd 6 (нет students book и workbook) Аудио(диск): 20грн. Teachers Book(книга для учителя с ответами) есть к 1, 2 и 4 книгам: 30грн.


Family and Friends 2nd ed. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Class Book, Workbook
2022-03-22 - Книги и журналы- Яворов
Комплекти серії Family and Friends 2nd edition рівнів 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 та Starter В комплект входить: підручник Class Book та зошит Workbook. Ціна комплекту (книжка, робочий зошит) - 220 грн. Ціна одного підручника Family and Friends 2nd edition: Class Book - 130 грн. Ціна одного підручника Family and Friends 2nd edition: Workbook - 90 грн. Замовлення від 20 комплектів, ціна за комплект - 210 грн. Книга для вчителя Family and Friends 2nd edition Teacher’s Book - 140 грн. Підручник Grammar Friends для всіх рівнів - 100 грн. Можна замовити будь-яку книгу окремо. Знижки при оптових замовленнях. Друк водостійкими чорнилами, використовуються тільки струменеві принтери, ламінування першого та останнього листа, кріплення металевими пружинами. Надсилаємо ОЛХ Доставкою. Накладним платежем або розрахунок на карту Приватбанку. Можлива також доставка Укрпоштою за умови 100% передоплати. Відправляємо на наступний день після замовлення. Для оптових замовлень термін відправки уточнюємо. Пишіть на ОЛХ, вайбер або телефонуйте - 096708068пять.


Speak Out - Оригінал. Всі рівні.
2024-04-25 - Книги и журналы- Київ
Speak Out - шість рівнів загальної англійської мови для студентів вузів і всіх бажаючих просунутися від Starter до Advanced. Всі книги нові, оригінал! Не копія, не роздруківка, юне на пружині. Коди доступу під захисною плівкою. Speak Out 2nd Starter Student Book with Active Book 615 Speak Out 2nd Starter Workbook with Key 275 890 Speak Out 2nd Elementary. Student Book with DVD 615 Speak Out 2nd Elementary. Workbook with Key 275 890 Speak Out 2nd Pre-Intermediate. Student Book with DVD 615 Speak Out 2nd Pre-Intermediate. Workbook with Key 275 890 Speak Out 2nd Intermediate. Student Book with DVD 615 Speak Out 2nd Intermediate. Workbook with Key 275 890 Speak Out 2nd Plus Intermediate Student's Book+DVD-ROM 615 Speak Out 2nd Plus Intermediate Workbook + key 275 890 Speak Out 2nd Upper-Intermediate. Student Book with DVD 615 Speak Out 2nd Upper-Intermediate . Workbook with Key 275 890 Speak Out 2nd Advanced . Student Book with DVD 615 Speak Out 2nd Advanced . Workbook with Key 275 890 Speak Out 2nd Advanced Plus Student's Book+DVD-ROM 615 Speak Out 2nd Advanced Plus Workbook + key 275 890 Швидка пересилка ОЛХ доставкою, накладним чи по передоплаті на р\р ФОП.


Продам Family and Friends,Grammar Friends/Fly High Laser English World
2023-09-02 - Книги и журналы- Київ
Продам Family and Friends starter,1,2,3,4,5,6 2-nd edition (second edition второе издание) Classbook + workbook комплект . Все цветное.Grammar Friends ( Грамматика к Family and Friends )Цена за комплект книга + тетрадь любого уровня – 225 грнЗвоните для оформления заказа О5О-77З-6Ч-6О , если вы читаете поздно вечером или неудобно говорить, пишите на тлф/вайбер О6З-69Ч-О6-79!Продам комплекты :• Academy Stars•New Challenges• Family and Friends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8•Grammar Friends ( Грамматика к Family and Friends)• Fly High 1 2 3 4• Grammar Fly High ( Грамматика Fly High)• English World 1 2 3 4 5 6• Laser• Optimise• Solutions• Round Up• Real Life• Prime Time• First Friends• Welcome


Цены разные-Книги на иностранных языках
2023-10-28 - Книги и журналы- Суми
Цену спрашивайте у нас 100% ниже чем у других на олх на 20%-30%.Отправка через олх при заказе от 500 грн, при заказе менее наложенный либо предоплата. У нас есть группа телеграмм, найти группу можно через поиск телеграмм по названию - BookBargains либо можете написать в сообщении ОЛХ слово «телеграмм», и номер телефона, и Мы Вас добавим Danielle Steel In His Father's Footsteps Tim Weaver Vanished Skinny Bitch Freedman And Barnouin Daniel Owen Robert Rhys English For Journalists Third Edition Wynford Hicks Cambridge Textbooks In Linguistics Pragmatics Stephen C. Levinson Moonology Working With The Magic Of Lunar Cycles Yasmin Boland David Baldacci Long Road To Mercy Singing Alison Croggon Boys Who Made A Difference Michelle Roehm Mccann Tasteless Lists Karl Shaw The Legacy Yrsa Sigurdard?ttir Translated From The Icelandic By Victoria Cribb Keith Moon Stole My Lipstick The Swinging '60s, The Glam '70s And Me Judith Wills Macbeth Cambridge The Mindfulness Puzzle Book 3 Dr Gareth Moore Robinson Days Of Blood &Starlight Laini Taylor F. E.Higgins The Black Book Of Secrets Legacy Katherine Webb Angel Of The North Annie Wilkinson Will Dean The Last Thing To Burn Jodi Picoult The Pact Would You Rather? Joe Shooman The Collins Paperback Thesaurus In A-To-Z Form The Light Behind The Window Lucinda Riley The Light Behind The Window Lucinda Riley The Newspapers Handbook Fourth Edition Richard Keeble Language And Power Second Edition Fairclough Chinese Cookery Gail Duff Where The Wild Mums Are Katie Blackburn Steve Cole Z.Raptor The Happiness Project Or, Why I Spent A Year Trying To Sing In The Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, And Generally Have More Fun Gretchen Rubin Nine Perfect Strangers Liane Moriarty Louis De Berni?res Bird & Without Wings Saltwater Jessica Andrews Tess Stevens Sold The Pilot's Wife Anita Shreve Jurassk World Junior Novel The Tokey Of Doom Michael Lawrence Francesca Simo. Horrid Henry Robs The Bank Dilly Court Fortune's Daughter Paulo Coelho Z?hir 111 Shops In London That You Shouldn't Miss 7th Heaven James Patterson With Maxine Paetro Chris Ryan Zero Option Chris Ryan Firefight Marathon Christian Cameron This Little Puffin... Compiled By Elizabeth Matterson Andy Griffiths The 52-Storey Treehouse By Andy Griffiths Terry Denton & Macmillan Children's Books Girl, 16 Pants On Fire Sue Limb Confessions Of The Menopausal Mayhem Mother Emma Skeates Persevere With Power Rodriguez Understand Music Theory Heroes Robert Cormier Stanley Johnson The Virus Goodly Grave Case Of In A Deadly Murder Justine Windsor Illustrated By Becka Moor Zillah Bethell Seahorses Are Real Andy Stanley The Grace Of God Surface To Air Tom Palmer Y Academy Kugby Ack With Illustrations By David Shephar The Creative Family How To Encourage Imagination And Nurture Family Connections He Came To Set The Captives Free By Rebecca Brown, M. D. Sunshine At The Comfort Food Caf? Debbie Johnson The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair Jo?l Dicker Translated From The French By Sam Taylor Griffiths The Stone Circle Murderous Maths Kjartan Poskitt Juliet Diaz Witchery Embrace The Witch Within The Girls From See Saw Lane Sandy Taylor Release Your Worries A Guide To Letting Go Of Stress And Anxiety Dr Cate Howell & Dr Michele Murphy Geek Girl Holly Smale Never Let You Go Chevy Stevens A Very Lucky Christmas Lilac Mills The Keeper Of Lost Things Ruth Hogan Stig Of The Dump Clive King Jo Nesbo Knife Translated From The Norwegian By Neil Smith Audrey Niffenegger Her Fearful Symmetry Lucy Diamond Summer At Shell Cottage Nigel My Family And Other Dogs Monty Don Siobh?n Macdonald Guilty El James Fifty Shadesfreed The Secret Intensity Of Everyday Life William Nicholson A Question Of Sport Quiz Book David Gymer And David Ball Foreword By Sue Barker Sue Welfare The Surprise Party District Nurse On Call Donna Douglas In The Kitchen Monica Ali The Wives Tarryn Fisher Fiona Gibson The Mum Who'd Had Enough Gnid Blyton Mystery Of The Secret Room David Shipman Judy Garland The World According To Clarkson Jeremy Clarkson Four Waifs On Our Doorstep Trisha Merry With Jacquie Buttriss Liar Liar M. J. Arlidge James Patterson & Howard Roughan Murder Games Ann Cleeves The Glass Room The Shot Philip Kerr Ring-A-Ring O' Roses A Collection Of Nursery Rhymes And Stories Ellik The Lightning Horror Beast Quest By Adam Blade Madara The Midnight Warrior Beast Quest By Adam Blade My Husband Next Door Catherine Alliott Chris Ryan Strike Back The Two Of Us My Life With John Thaw Sheila Hancock Roald Dahl Danny Of The World The Champion Illustrated By Quentin Blake The World's Best Bowl Food Where To Find It & How To Make It The Secret Footballer What Goes On Tour Fit For Life Harvey And Marilyn Diamond Arctic Drift Clive Cussler And Dirk Cussler A Ration Book Wedding Jean Fullerton Kiss And A Promise Katie Flynn Helen Nicoll & Jan Pie?kowski Meg & Mog 3 Favourite Stories Gram?tica Ativa 1 3.? Edi??o Atualizada E Aumentada Isabel Coimbra Olga Mata Coimbra The Complete Pub Quiz Book Bing Bed Time Ted Dewan Doing The Animal Bop Gardiner Oxford Emily's Dream Holly Webb Amazing Baby A Sing-Along Board Book Clap And Sing! Jane Corry My Husband's Wife Sunday Express & Daily Express Cartoons Forty-Fifth Series Interpreting The Symbols And Types Completely Revised And Expanded Aleks Sierz And Lia Ghilardi The Time Traveller's Guide To British Theatre Please Don't Make Me Go John Fenton Cinnamon Gardens Anna Jacobs Within These Wicked Walls Lauren Blackwood Rebecca Shaw The Village Newcomers 5 Steps To Overcoming Fear & Self-Doubt Wyatt Webb The Crow Road Iain Banks Infinite Home Kathleen Alcott Soltra The Stone Charmer Beast Quest By Adam Blade How To Become Successful In Life By Brian Rogers Allen Carr Stop Drinking Now Please, Don't Take My Sisters Maggie Hartley Denied A Mummy Maggie Hartley The Mindfulness Journal Corinne Sweet The Twins Saskia Sarginson Jackie Collins Sinners Secret* Unicorn A Special Friend Linda Chapman Illustrated By Biz Hull * Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend Jenny Colgan Dawn Undercover Anna Dale Bratislava The Bradt City Guide Lucy Mallows Need Carrie Jones Help Yourself How You Can Find Hope, Courage And Happiness Stephen Grosz The Examined Life How We Lose And Find Ourselves Healing The Child Within Charles L. Whitfield, M.D. The Boy With No Boots Sheila Jeffries Jacqueline Wilson Hetty Feather Nevertheless John Kirkby Michael Morpurgo Running Wild Tom Wright Luke For Everyone Daughter Of Smoke & Bone Laini Taylor A Problem Solver's Handbook Andrew Jobbings Jane Linfoot Christmas Promises At The Little Wedding Shop Buckley Nerds Without A Trace Lesley Pearse The Girl On The Train Paula Hawkins Some Thing In The Water Catherine Steadman Katie Fforde Highland Fling Sin?ad Moriarty Good Mothe Pip Granger Alone Katie Flynn The Mersey Girls A Dog's Purpose Bailey's Story W. Bruce Cameron Why Forgive? Johann Christoph Arnold Six Years Harlan Coben Big Ron A Different Ball Game A Football Memoir By Ron Atkinson Duffy And Armitage & Pre-1914 Poetry York Notes For Gcse The Silly Book Of Jokes Diana Gabaldon Dragonfly In Amber Meet Me In Hawaii Georgia Toffolo With Rachael Stewart Expedition Steve Backshall Pretty Boy Roy Shaw The Wright Stuff An Unauthorised Biography Of Lan Wright Risk Glanvill The Real Mackay The Dave Mackay Story Dave Mackay With Martin Knight Costa Rica The Rough Guide Catherine Cookson Tilly Trotter Call The Midwife Jennifer Worth Queen Bee Jane Fallon Th1rt3en Steve Cavanagh Melissa Hill, Please Forgive Me The Empty Hearth Kitty Neale Blood Orange Harriet Tyce Mind Over Mother Anna Mathur Crescendo Becca Fitzpatrick Simon And Schuster Patrick Gale Notes From An Exhibition The Rosie Project Graeme Simsion Collins Coffee Break Crosswords Ally Condie Matched Dark Star Safari Overland From Cairo To Cape Town Paul Theroux Islands Of Mercy Rose Tremain Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Meltdown By Jeff Kinney James Patterson Don't Blink & Howard Roughan The Couple At No. Claire Douglas The Unmumsy Mum Diary Sarah Turner Silence Becca Fitzpatrick Mae'n G?m O Ddau Fileniwm Cyflwyno Beirdd A Barddoniaeth Golygyddion: Iwan Llwyd Myrddin Ap Dafydd Barbara Taylor Bradford Breaking The Rules Rachel Ren?e Russell Dork Diaries Drama Queen With Nikki Russell And Erin Russell The Poetry Pharmacy The Trees Percival Everet William Sieghart Great Circle Maggie Shipstead Playing Nice Jp Delaney Jilly Cooper Jolly Superlative Michael Mansfield Memoirs Of A Radical Lawyer Roald Dahl The Twits Refugee Tales Iii Edited By David Herd And Anna Pincus Rosie Goodwin A Rose Among Thorns Life And Laughing My Story Michael Mcintyre O Caledonia Elspeth Barker Look At Me Sarah Duguid Diana Gabaldon Joyager This Much Is True Miriam Margolyes Healt Cressida Cowell How To Train Your Dragon How To Ride A Dragon's Storm Hush, Hush Becca Fitzpatrick Josephine Cox Midnight Secrets And Seashells At Rainbow Bay Ali Mcnamara Lynne Reid Banks The L-Shaped Room Finale Весса Fitzpatrick A


B D Chaurasia Anatomy Анатомия 6 edition Чаурасия
2022-03-02 - Книги и журналы- Одесса
B D Chaurasia Anatomy Анатомия 6 edition Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical. Продам три тома великолепного пособия по анатомии - B D Chaurasia's Anatomy 6 (sixth edition). Цена указана за все три книги, продаются только комплектом, по отдельности не продаются. Шестое издание выпускалось в трёх томах, Издание 2013 года ( репринт 2015). Volume 1 - Upper Limb,  Thorax Volume 2 - Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis Volume 3 - Head Neck, Brain Состояние книг б.у., внутри отличное, нет диска к первому тому, слегка примяты обложки т.к. издание выходило в мягком переплёте, видно на фото, без подчеркиваний, все страницы на месте целые, чистые. Human Anatomy By B D Chaurasia's 6th Edition (Set Of 3 Books) soft cover. BD Chaurasia’s anatomy is termed as the Bible of Anatomy. Not an exaggeration at all, it is one of the most commonly used Anatomy books for all stages and sub-stages for medical students. The book is quite different from its first publication as it has undergone several updates and transformations without changing the main concept and major motive of the book. This Anatomy book is not just theoretical but practical as well which makes anatomy digest able. The new volumes include text and images side by side proving it to be chiefly clinical. Being clinical means: It includes lots of tables for muscles It is incorporated with methods for testing It’s colorful, including improved color illustrations making the other right half of the brain stimulated. BD Chaurasia: Bhagwan Din Dr. BD Chaurasia is also known as the unsung hero of Indian Anatomy is an Indian educationist and doctor. His books are unique in presenting the comprehensive and systematic text of Anatomy in simple language and easily accessible line diagrams. To date, he has written many books. But this book holds position number one among all the other books. Features of BD Chaurasia human anatomy: This book is written to meet the requirements of students who are newly admitted to medical colleges. The book not only introduces the greater part of medical terminology but also the sub-stages and various structures that constitute the human body. The new students get the most outcome from the book as explained below: Detailed Book: All the volumes of BD Chaurasia anatomy are the most detailed books of human anatomy. The first volume of the book is concerned about only the upper limb and thorax. Ocean of Knowledge: There are about 456 pages in the book that cover the information about just two units that are upper limb and thorax. Up to date: To bring you the latest information the book is frequently updated without modifying the basic concept and motive. Best Illustrations: The book contains the best illustrations that include dissections making it easy for the students to learn the gross anatomy. Other major advantages of the BD chaurasia: Easy to understand and well-illustrated Although it provides the latest information and all the basic concepts that are required, the BD Chaurasia anatomy is also very easy to learn. If you are a medical student you surely will be well aware of the importance of human anatomy in the field of medicine and surgery. The book provides a lot of knowledge of human anatomy in a systematic and consolidated manner. Unique and effective: Talking about the uniqueness this book holds is that a lot of Anatomy books are available in the market and as well as pdf online but most of them are more likely to be journals and are somewhat difficult to understand. But this book explains all the concepts in a very systematic manner making it completely user-friendly and user-oriented. Since the book is authorized by one of the most renowned authors of India, the book is completely unique and effective in explaining human anatomy. Covers the vast portions as well: If you give it a read, you will come to know that vast portions of the upper body anatomy are covered in the book. You will get well explained, well oriented, and highly detailed chapters on the pectoral region, bones of the upper limbs, and the forearm. Moreover, the anatomy of joints of upper limbs and hands are thoroughly discussed and explained in this book. There are many books for anatomy one can read, but this book still holds a very unique place among all and is considered the best book of anatomy. В Одессе можно лично встретиться в центре. Подключена OLX-доставка (Укрпочта, Новая почта).


Книга: A Life in Illustration: The Most Famous Illustrators their Work
2023-07-23 - Книги и журналы- Київ
Книга: A Life in Illustration: The Most Famous Illustrators and their Work. Edited by Robert Klanten and Hendrik Hellige. Texts by Anna Sinofzik. Издание 2013 года. 256 страниц. Формат: 24 x 28 cm. Твёрдый переплёт. На английском языке. Книга - в отличном состоянии. Современная иллюстрация — не только иллюстрация как таковая. Иллюстраторы пишут и создают детские книжки с картинками и графические романы, они структурируют информацию с помощью инфографики, они разрабатывают логотипы, шрифты и другие типографские приложения, они вносят вклад в редактируемый дизайн газет и журналов, они применяют свои таланты в рекламе и моде и разрабатывают и производят свои собственные продукты на основе своих творений. Несмотря на то, что все эти области основаны на иллюстрации, у каждой из них есть свои правила и свои специалисты, задачи и должностные инструкции, которые следует выполнять. На этом фоне издание A Life in Illustration. The Most Famous Illustrators and their Work позволяет увидеть изнутри различные аспекты работы иллюстраторов над материалом. В альбоме при помощи текстов и изображений описывается работа и повседневная деятельность выдающихся талантов, в том числе Кристофа Нимана, Андреа Вентуры, Яна ван дер Векена, Питера Гранди, Джессики Хиш и Джонатана Корума из The New York Times. Альбом не только вдохновит тех, кто уже работает иллюстратором, но и показывает перспективы для тех, кто рассматривает своё профессиональное будущее именно в этой профессии. "What does an Illustrated by actually do and in what fields can one work? Today’s most successful Illustrated bys present their work and talk about their experiences in one of life’s most beautiful careers. Illustration is no longer just illustration. Today, Illustrated bys write and create children’s picture books and graphic novels; they structure information through infographics; they design logos, fonts, and other typographical applications; they contribute to the Edited byial design of newspapers and magazines; they apply their talents to advertising and fashion; and they develop and produce their own products on the basis of their creations. Despite the fact that all of these activities are based on illustration, each of them has its own rules and its own specialists, tasks, and job descriptions to go along with them. Against this background, A life in Illustration gives an insider’s look at the diverse facets of this creative medium through extensive portraits of today’s leading Illustrated bys. Perceptive texts and images describe the work and day to- day activities of outstanding talents including Christoph Niemann, Andrea Ventura, Jan van der Veken, Peter Grundy, Jessica Hische, and the New York Times’s Jonathan Corum. Stars on the international scene give their personal insights into the Handson aspects of working in specific areas of illustration. Edited byial Illustrated by Olaf Hajek and fashion Illustrated by Liselotte Watkins, for example, explain how a subject must not only be depicted with savvy, but also in the style of the publication in which the work will appear. Information graphics specialists Jan Schwochow and Francesco Franchi explain why the content of their work must be absolutely correct ?and how it often needs to be researched and visually dissected with dogged perseverance. Children’s picture books creator Oliver Jeffers explains why the mastery of visual storytelling and a sense for timing and the development of narration are essential to a story’s success. Although the work of the featured commercial Illustrated bys is very different, all of them tell of the high demand placed on them in terms of teamwork, sensitivity to client needs, and creative implementation. These aspects are not necessarily expected by those who still think of Illustrated bys as tradespeople who simply execute the ideas that are given to them. A life in Illustration is a strikingly personal documentation of what working in various jobs at the intersection of art and creativity, amid personal work, teaching assignments, clients, and "bread and butter" projects actually feels like. As such, the book is not only inspiring for those already working as Illustrated bys, but also reveals perspectives and hurdles for those considering a professional future in this field."


Family and friends. ТЕРМІНОВИЙ Друк книг, підручників. Срочная печать
2023-05-24 - Книги и журналы- Полтава
Зовнішній вигляд як на фото(100% нові). Якісний папір, цупка обкладинка, що додатково захищена пластиком. Пружина металева (довговічніша та зручніша за пластикову). Швидко. Ціна відповідає якості. Доставка по Україні. Будь-які об’єми. Різні форми оплати(передплата не обов'язкова!). Ціна вказана за 1 комплект Family and friends 2ed (Підручник+робочий зошит) при замовленні від 50 комплектів. (ціна залежить від об'єму). Якщо не відповів на телефонний дзвінок – пишіть у Telegram(бажано), Viber, WhatsApp, також через OLX та СМС. Також: All Clear For Ukraine 5 Dele Espanol Destination English File 3rd edition English File 4th edition (нове видання!) English Plus Family and friends 2nd ed Starter Family and friends 2nd ed, First friends Focus 1-е та 2-е(нове!) видання Get 200! Go Getter! Grammar practice pearson GrammarWay Hurra! po polsku Key Note New challenges Next Move Objective proficiency On Screen Outcomes Prepare! Prime Time Proficiency Gold Real Life Roadmap Solutions Speak Out 1st edition Speak Out 2nd edition (усі рівні) Team Together The New Round-Up Upstream Proficiency Wider world Wishes Та будь-які інші книги/підручники Додаткові матеріали (аудіо-, фото-матеріали, картки та ін.)


Human Anatomy 6 edition Volume 1 - Upper Limb, Thorax B D Chaurasia
2022-12-07 - Книги и журналы- Запоріжжя
Обратите внимание,пожалуйста,на другие книги по этой теме среди моих объявлений. B D Chaurasia Anatomy Анатомия 6 edition 2013,reprinted 2015 Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical. ISBN: 97********-2330-7 1 том - Volume 1 - Upper Limb, Thorax из 3-х великолепного пособия по анатомии - B D Chaurasia's Anatomy 6 (sixth edition). Обратите внимание на другие книги по этой теме среди моих объявлений. Human Anatomy By B D Chaurasia's 6th Edition (Set Of 3 Books) soft cover. BD Chaurasia’s anatomy is termed as the Bible of Anatomy. Not an exaggeration at all, it is one of the most commonly used Anatomy books for all stages and sub-stages for medical students. The book is quite different from its first publication as it has undergone several updates and transformations without changing the main concept and major motive of the book. This Anatomy book is not just theoretical but practical as well which makes anatomy digest able. The new volumes include text and images side by side proving it to be chiefly clinical. Being clinical means: It includes lots of tables for muscles It is incorporated with methods for testing It’s colorful, including improved color illustrations making the other right half of the brain stimulated. BD Chaurasia: Bhagwan Din Dr. BD Chaurasia is also known as the unsung hero of Indian Anatomy is an Indian educationist and doctor. His books are unique in presenting the comprehensive and systematic text of Anatomy in simple language and easily accessible line diagrams. To date, he has written many books. But this book holds position number one among all the other books. Features of BD Chaurasia human anatomy: This book is written to meet the requirements of students who are newly admitted to medical colleges. The book not only introduces the greater part of medical terminology but also the sub-stages and various structures that constitute the human body. The new students get the most outcome from the book as explained below: Detailed Book: All the volumes of BD Chaurasia anatomy are the most detailed books of human anatomy. The first volume of the book is concerned about only the upper limb and thorax. Ocean of Knowledge: There are about 456 pages in the book that cover the information about just two units that are upper limb and thorax. Up to date: To bring you the latest information the book is frequently updated without modifying the basic concept and motive. Best Illustrations: The book contains the best illustrations that include dissections making it easy for the students to learn the gross anatomy. Other major advantages of the BD chaurasia: Easy to understand and well-illustrated Although it provides the latest information and all the basic concepts that are required, the BD Chaurasia anatomy is also very easy to learn. If you are a medical student you surely will be well aware of the importance of human anatomy in the field of medicine and surgery. The book provides a lot of knowledge of human anatomy in a systematic and consolidated manner. Unique and effective: Talking about the uniqueness this book holds is that a lot of Anatomy books are available in the market and as well as pdf online but most of them are more likely to be journals and are somewhat difficult to understand. But this book explains all the concepts in a very systematic manner making it completely user-friendly and user-oriented. Since the book is authorized by one of the most renowned authors of India, the book is completely unique and effective in explaining human anatomy. Covers the vast portions as well: If you give it a read, you will come to know that vast portions of the upper body anatomy are covered in the book. You will get well explained, well oriented, and highly detailed chapters on the pectoral region, bones of the upper limbs, and the forearm. Moreover, the anatomy of joints of upper limbs and hands are thoroughly discussed and explained in this book. There are many books for anatomy one can read, but this book still holds a very unique place among all and is considered the best book of anatomy.


JavaScript. The Definitive Guide. 7th-Edition
2023-09-08 - Книги и журналы- Харків
JavaScript is the programming language of the web and is used by more software developers today than any other programming language. For nearly 25 years this best seller has been the go-to guide for JavaScript programmers. The seventh edition is fully updated to cover the 2020 version of JavaScript, and new chapters cover classes, modules, iterators, generators, Promises, async/await, and metaprogramming. You’ll find illuminating and engaging example code throughout. This book is for programmers who want to learn JavaScript and for web developers who want to take their understanding and mastery to the next level. It begins by explaining the JavaScript language itself, in detail, from the bottom up. It then builds on that foundation to cover the web platform and Node.js. Topics include: Types, values, variables, expressions, operators, statements, objects, and arrays Functions, classes, modules, iterators, generators, Promises, and async/await JavaScript’s standard library: data structures, regular expressions, JSON, i18n, etc. The web platform: documents, components, graphics, networking, storage, and threads Node.js: buffers, files, streams, threads, child processes, web clients, and web servers Tools and language extensions that professional JavaScript developers rely on About This Book JavaScript is the programming language of the web. The overwhelming majority of websites use JavaScript, and all modern web browsers—on desktops, tablets, and phones—include JavaScript interpreters, making JavaScript the most-deployed programming language in history. Over the last decade, Node.js has enabled JavaScript programming outside of web browsers, and the dramatic success of Node means that JavaScript is now also the most-used programming language among software developers. Whether you’re starting from scratch or are already using JavaScript professionally, this book will help you master the language. If you are already familiar with other programming languages, it may help you to know that JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, interpreted programming language that is well-suited to object-oriented and functional programming styles. JavaScript’s variables are untyped. Its syntax is loosely based on Java, but the languages are otherwise unrelated. JavaScript derives its first-class functions from Scheme and its prototype-based inheritance from the little-known language Self. But you do not need to know any of those languages, or be familiar with those terms, to use this book and learn JavaScript. This book covers the JavaScript language and the JavaScript APIs implemented by web browsers and by Node. I wrote it for readers with some prior programming experience who want to learn JavaScript and also for programmers who already use JavaScript but want to take their understanding to a new level and really master the language. My goal with this book is to document the JavaScript language comprehensively and definitively and to provide an in-depth introduction to the most important client-side and server-side APIs available to JavaScript programs. As a result, this is a long and detailed book. My hope, however, is that it will reward careful study and that the time you spend reading it will be easily recouped in the form of higher programming productivity. Переплет - Мягкий К-во страниц - 706 стр Формат - 178х235 мм Язык - English Состояние Новая!!!


SpeakOut 2nd Starter,Elementary,Pre,Upper,Intermediate,Advanced,Plus
2022-12-24 - Книги и журналы- Київ
Speak Out 2nd Starter,Elementary,Pre,Upper,Intermediate,Advanced,Plus Цена за любой комплект Speak Out 2nd Students Book + Workbook= 30 В наличии книги: SpeakOut 2nd Starter SpeakOut 2nd Elementary SpeakOut 2nd Pre-Intermediate SpeakOut 2nd Intermediate SpeakOut 2nd Intermediate Plus SpeakOut 2nd Upper-Intermediate SpeakOut 2nd Advanced SpeakOut 2nd Advanced Plus Аудио(диск): 20грн. Видео(диск): 30грн. Тест-книга: 30грн. TeachersBook(книга для учителя с ответами): 40грн. Extra(доп.материалы есть к Starter, Elementary, Pre, Upper, Intermediate, Advanced, и Advanced Plus книгам): 30грн.


Комікси Amazing Spider-Man Venom Carnage Marvel comics комикс колекція
2022-12-04 - Книги и журналы- Днепр
У наявності вагома колекція коміксів про Людина-Павука мовою оригіналу (англійська), у форматі збірників, у твердій (перші чотири книги в описі та на фото) та м'якій обкладинці (решта). Стан в усіх відмінний, One Moment in Time навіть у заводській плівці. Ціна не остаточна, торг можливий, якщо берете декілька книг, або серіями, або всі - звісно, буде знижка або бонуси, можете обрати з інших моїх оголошень. Spider-Man The Death of Jean DeWolff HC, 168 стр, 700 грн. Collects Spectacular Spider-Man (1976-1998 1st Series) #107-110 and 134-136. Guest-starring Daredevil. Amazing Spider-Man The Gauntlet HC #4, 152 стр, 700 грн. Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1998-2013 2nd Series) #626-629 and Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #229-230. Amazing Spider-Man Family Ties HC, 152 стр, 700 грн. Collects material from Spider-Man Family (2007 Marvel) #1-3 and Spider-Man: Fear Itself GN (1992). Amazing Spider-Man One Moment in Time HC, 152 стр, 750 грн. Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1998-2013 2nd Series) #638-641 and materiel from Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21. Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spider-Man TPB #1, 272 стр, 600 грн. Collects Amazing Fantasy (1962) #15 and Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #1-10. Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spider-Man TPB (Barnes and Noble Edition) #2, 288 стр, 600 грн Collects Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #11-19 and ANNUAL #1. Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spider-Man TPB #3, 272 стр, 600 грн. Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #20-30 and ANNUAL #2. Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spider-Man TPB #8, 248 стр, 600 грн. Collects AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963-1998 1ST SERIES) #68-77 and Marvel Super Heroes (1966-1982 1st Series) #1. Amazing Spider-Man Death of the Stacys TPB, 160 стр, 600 грн. Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #88-92 and 121-122. Spider-Man Visionaries Todd McFarlane TPB, 192 стр, 600 грн Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #298-305. Spider-Man Birth of Venom TPB, 344 стр, 800 грн Collects Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) #8, Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #252-259, 298-300, and 315-317, Fantastic Four (1961-1996 1st Series) #274, and Web of Spider-Man (1985-1995) #1, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #10. Carnage Classic TPB, 488 стр, 800 грн. Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #361-363, #410 and #430-431; Venom: Carnage Unleashed (1995) #1-4; Carnage: Mind Bomb (1996), Carnage: It's a Wonderful Life (1996), Sensational Spider-Man (1996-1998 1st Series) #3, Spider-Man (1990-1998) #6, Spectacular Spider-Man (1976-1998 1st Series) #233, Peter Parker: Spider-Man (1999-2003) #13, Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man (1999-2000) #13-14 and material from Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) Annual #28. Spider-Man Maximum Carnage TPB, 274 стр, 800 грн. Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #378-380, Spectacular Spider-Man (1976-1998 1st Series) #201-203, Spider-Man (1990-1998) #35-37, Spider-Man Unlimited (1993-1998 1st Series) #1-2, and Web of Spider-Man (1985-1995 1st Series) #101-103. Amazing Spider-Man TPB By J. Michael Straczynski, 128 стр, 600 грн Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1998-2013 2nd Series) #30-35. Civil War Amazing Spider-Man TPB, 168 стр, 600 грн. Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1998-2013 2nd Series) #532-538. Spider-Man TPB (Marvel Knights) тома 1-4, 432 стр загалом, 1200 грн за усі. Collects Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (2004-2006) #1-18. Amazing Spider-Man Edge of Spider-Verse TPB, 112 стр, 600 грн Collects Edge of Spider-Verse (2014 Marvel) #1-5.


Family and friends. 1.
2023-10-25 - Книги и журналы- Івано-Франківськ
Family and Friends 1,2,3,4,5,6. -Family and friends starter: 230, 00 -Family and friends 1-2: 280, 00 -Family and friends 3-4: 290,00 Зшивання металевою пружиною з ламінуванням першої та останньої сторінки. Відправлення новою поштою накладеним платежем. З приводу наявності інших матеріалів чи друку ваших пишіть. Вартість книжки 150. Вартість комплекту у який входять Class Book та Workbook разом 250грн При великих обємах замовлення ціна договірна.


Матеріали з англійської мови (книги, робочі зошити, граматики)
2024-03-07 - Книги и журналы- Новгород-Сіверський
Оформлення: струменевий друк на А4, металева пружина, ламінація обкладинок. З додаткових питань спілкування з людьми проходить у повідомленнях ОЛХ. 1000 English Collocations in 10 minutes a day Academy Stars: Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Pupil's Book + Workbook Beehive Phonics Beehive: Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Student Book + Workbook Destination: В1 - чорно-білий, рівень В2 – кольоровий English 5 Karpyuk Карпюк 5 (НУШ, 2022) English 6 Karpyuk Карпюк 6 клас НУШ комплект книга і робочий зошит English File 4th Edition: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced (комплект Student's Book + Workbook) English File Teacher's Guide 4th Edition English Grammar in Use English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 2017 3rd English World Grammar Practice Book English World: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Pupil's Book + Workbook (комплект) Exam booster preparation for b2 level exams Family and Friends: Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 комплект Fly High Ukraine: 1, 2, 3, 4 (підручник + робочий зошит) Focus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Student's Book + Workbook 2 ed Full Blast 6 Plus for Ukraine (підручник і робочий зошит) Full Blast Plus 5 (Англійська мова 5 Мітчелл 2022) комплект (книга і робочий зошит) Gateway 2nd Edition: A1+, А2, В1, В2 Student’s Book + Workbook Gateway to the World A1+ to B2 Extra Practice Gateway to the World: A1+, A2, B1, B1+, B2, B2+, C1 Student's Book + Workbook Go Getter: 1, 2, 3, 4 (книжка + робочий зошит, тести) Grammar Friends: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. High Note 1 комплект (книга і робочий зошит) Kid's Box New Generation: Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Pupil's Book + Activity Book Kid's Box: 1, 2, 3, 4 Pupil's Book + Activity Book (комплект) Updated Second Edition New Round Up: Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Student Book Outcomes: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Student's Book + Workbook 2nd Edititon Own It! Oxford Exam Trainer: B1, B2 Oxford Phonics World Readers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Oxford Word Skills: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Power Up: 1, 2 Pupil's Book + Activity Book (книжка та робочий зошит) Prepare 6 клас, Коста, НУШ 2023, книга і робочий зошит Quick Minds: 1, 2, 3, 4 Pupils Book Roadmap (підручник + робочий зошит) рівні А1, А2, А2+, В1, В1+, В2, В2+, С1-С2 Smart Junior: 1, 2, 3, 4 книга вчителя Solutions: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced 3rd Edition Students Book + Workbook (комплект) SpeakOut Third Edition: A1, A2, А2+, В1, В1+, В2, В2+, C1-C2 Student's Book + Workbook Super Grammar Practice Book Super Minds: Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Student's Book + Workbook, First, Second Edition (1ed, 2ed) Think: Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4 комплект (Student's Book + Workbook) видання 1, 2 Use of English B2 for all exames Wider World: Starter 2nd edition (підручник + робочий зошит) ZNO Leader B1 Student's Book та інші


Продам Family and Friends 1,2,3,4,5,6 первое издание/Grammar friends
2023-04-01 - Книги и журналы- Харків
Продам Family and Friends 1 первое издание Classbook + workbook комплект . Все цветное.Цена за комплект книга + тетрадь любого уровня – 225 грнЗвоните для оформления заказа О5О-77З-6Ч-6О , если вы читаете поздно вечером или неудобно говорить, пишите на тлф/вайбер О6З-69Ч-О6-79!Продам комплекты:• Academy Stars•New Challenges• Family and Friends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8•Grammar Friends (Грамматика к Family and Friends)• Fly High 1 2 3 4 • Grammar Fly High (Грамматика Fly High)• English World 1 2 3 4 5 6• Laser• Optimise• Solutions• Round Up• Real Life• Prime Time• First Friends• Welcome


A Guide to the Business Analysis Body BABOK+Software Requirements
2022-12-03 - Книги и журналы- Київ
Комплект книг A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide)+Software Requirements (Developer Best Practices) 3rd Edition.Karl Wiegers,Joy Beatty. A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide) A Guide to the AnaBusines Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide) is the only globally recognized standard of practice for business analysis. Developed through a rigorous consensus-driven standards process, the BABOK® Guide incorporates the collective wisdom and experience of experts in the field from around the world. Previous editions have guided hundreds of thousands of professionals in their work, and it has been adopted by hundreds of enterprises as the basis of their business analysis practice. This latest version of the guide extends its scope beyond business analysis in projects to address agile development, business process management, business intelligence, and business architecture. This thoroughly revised and updated version includes: • A concept model that unifies ideas and terminology across business analysis disciplines. • Restructured knowledge areas to support business analysis at every level from small tactical initiatives to major business transformations. • Five perspectives covering the most prominent business analysis disciplines and demonstrating how to apply the knowledge areas in different situations. • Coverage of new business analysis techniques that have gained wide acceptance in the community. • Updated and revised content in every knowledge area and more! Whether you are considering starting a career in business analysis, or you are an experienced professional in the field,the BABOK® Guide is your key resource to help you and your stakeholders discover opportunities for business success, deliver successful organizational change, and create business value. Свод знаний по бизнес-анализу (BABOK Guide v.3) — это всемирно признанный стандарт по практикам бизнес-анализа. Руководство описывает области знаний бизнес-анализа, задачи, базовые компетенции, методики и перспективы на то, как подходить к бизнес-анализу Software Requirements (Developer Best Practices) 3rd Edition.Karl Wiegers,Joy Beatty. Now in its third edition, this classic guide to software requirements engineering has been fully updated with new topics, examples, and guidance. Two leaders in the requirements community have teamed up to deliver a contemporary set of practices covering the full range of requirements development and management activities on software projects. Describes practical, effective, field-tested techniques for managing the requirements engineering process from end to end. Provides examples demonstrating how requirements "good practices" can lead to fewer change requests, higher customer satisfaction, and lower development costs. Fully updated with contemporary examples and many new practices and techniques. Describes how to apply effective requirements practices to agile projects and numerous other special project situations. Targeted to business analysts, developers, project managers, and other software project stakeholders who have a general understanding of the software development process. Shares the insights gleaned from the authors’ extensive experience delivering hundreds of software-requirements training courses, presentations, and webinars. New chapters are included on specifying data requirements, writing high-quality functional requirements, and requirements reuse. Considerable depth has been added on business requirements, elicitation techniques, and nonfunctional requirements. In addition, new chapters recommend effective requirements practices for various special project situations, including enhancement and replacement, packaged solutions, outsourced, business process automation, analytics and reporting, and embedded and other real-time systems projects.


Prepare 5 NUS НУШ, ТЕРМІНОВИЙ друк підручників
2023-05-24 - Книги и журналы- Полтава
Якісний папір, цупка обкладинка, що додатково захищена пластиком. Пружина металева (довговічніша та зручніша за пластикову). Швидко. Ціна відповідає якості. Доставка по Україні. Будь-які об’єми. Різні форми оплати(передплата не обов'язкова!). Ціна вказана за 1 комплект Family and friends 2ed (Підручник+робочий зошит) при замовленні від 50 комплектів. (ціна залежить від об'єму). Якщо не відповів на телефонний дзвінок – пишіть у Telegram(бажано), Viber, WhatsApp, також через OLX та СМС. Також: All Clear For Ukraine 5 Dele Espanol Destination English File 3rd edition English File 4th edition (нове видання!) English Plus Family and friends 2nd ed Starter Family and friends 2nd ed, First friends Focus 1-е та 2-е(нове!) видання Get 200! Go Getter! Grammar practice pearson GrammarWay Hurra! po polsku Key Note New challenges Next Move Objective proficiency On Screen Outcomes Prepare! Prime Time Proficiency Gold Real Life Roadmap Solutions Speak Out 1st edition Speak Out 2nd edition (усі рівні) Team Together The New Round-Up Upstream Proficiency Wider world Wishes Та будь-які інші книги/підручники Додаткові матеріали (аудіо-, фото-матеріали, картки та ін.)


Prepare 5 NUS НУШ, Prepare 6 NUS НУШТЕРМІНОВИЙ друк підручників
2023-06-17 - Книги и журналы- Полтава
Якісний папір, цупка обкладинка, що додатково захищена пластиком. Пружина металева (довговічніша та зручніша за пластикову). Швидко. Ціна відповідає якості. Доставка по Україні. Будь-які об’єми. Різні форми оплати(передплата не обов'язкова!). Ціна вказана за 1 комплект Family and friends 2ed (Підручник+робочий зошит) при замовленні від 50 комплектів. (ціна залежить від об'єму). Якщо не відповів на телефонний дзвінок – пишіть у Telegram(бажано), Viber, WhatsApp, також через OLX та СМС. Також: All Clear For Ukraine 5 Dele Espanol Destination English File 3rd edition English File 4th edition (нове видання!) English Plus Family and friends 2nd ed Starter Family and friends 2nd ed, First friends Focus 1-е та 2-е(нове!) видання Get 200! Go Getter! Grammar practice pearson GrammarWay Hurra! po polsku Key Note New challenges Next Move Objective proficiency On Screen Outcomes Prepare! Prime Time Proficiency Gold Real Life Roadmap Solutions Speak Out 1st edition Speak Out 2nd edition (усі рівні) Team Together The New Round-Up Upstream Proficiency Wider world Wishes Та будь-які інші книги/підручники Додаткові матеріали (аудіо-, фото-матеріали, картки та ін.)


New Round up, Family and Friends (2nd edition) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
2022-10-12 - Книги и журналы- Харьков
New Round up, Family and Friends (2nd edition) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 В наявності усі рівні цих підручників Усі матеріали за посиланням на гугл диски, 100% передплата на картку ПриватБанку. ціна однієї окремої книги 15 грн, аудио 15 грн, відео 15 грн - New Round up Level Starter, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6 (Книга студента, книга для вчителя, аудіо) один повний рівень - 45 грн - Family and Friends (2nd edition) Level Starter, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6 (Книга студента, робочий зошит, книга для вчителя, тести, аудіо, відео) уточнюйте один повний рівень - 60 грн. питайте) є ще дуже багато підручників


New Round up, Family and Friends (2nd edition) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
2023-01-29 - Книги и журналы- Харків
New Round up, Family and Friends (2nd edition) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 В наявності усі рівні цих підручників Усі матеріали за посиланням на гугл диски, 100% передплата на картку ПриватБанку. ціна однієї окремої книги 15 грн, аудио 15 грн, відео 15 грн - New Round up Level Starter, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6 (Книга студента, книга для вчителя, аудіо) один повний рівень - 45 грн - Family and Friends (2nd edition) Level Starter, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6 (Книга студента, робочий зошит, книга для вчителя, тести, аудіо, відео) уточнюйте один повний рівень - 60 грн. питайте) є ще дуже багато підручників


New Round up, Family and Friends (2nd edition) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
2024-03-19 - Книги и журналы- Харків
New Round up, Family and Friends (2nd edition) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Надсилаю на телeграм, вaйбер і т.д. після оплати. Один файл 25 грн, аудіо 25 грн, відео 25 грн, тести 25 грн, додаткові матеріали 25 грн Один повний рівень з усіма наявними матеріалами до нього - 100 грн. - Family and Friends (2nd edition) Level Starter, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6 (Книга студента, робочий зошит, книга для вчителя, тести, аудіо, відео) - New Round up Level Starter, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6 (Книга студента, книга для вчителя, аудіо) питайте) є ще дуже багато підручників


Kids Box Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 2nd Updated
2022-08-11 - Книги и журналы- Киев
Kids Box Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 2nd Updated Книги на elektronnu pochtu. Цена за любой комплект Kids Box 2nd Updated Учебник + Тетрадь В наличии книги: Kids Box Starter Updated 2nd Kids Box 1 Updated 2nd Kids Box 2 Updated 2nd Kids Box 3 Updated 2nd Kids Box 4 Updated 2nd Kids Box 5 Updated 2nd Kids Box 6 Updated 2nd Аудио(диск): 20грн. TeachersBook(книга для учителя с ответами): 30грн. TeachersResourceBook(материалы-книга для учителя): 30грн.


English Plus Starter_Student's Book_Audio_Teacher's Book -2nd edition
2022-05-17 - Книги и журналы- Киев
English Plus STARTER - 2nd edition (second edition) – второе издание – в электронном виде в хорошем качестве в формате pdf (одним файлом), и по Вашему желанию в формате jpeg (постранично). По Вашей просьбе образцы страниц можем выслать Вам на почту. Подойдет для учебы на ноутбуке, планшете, телефоне, фаблете, электронной книге а также для печати на принтере. - English Plus Starter STUDENT’S BOOK (SB) 2nd edition (second edition) – Учебник (фото 1-4) – 15грн - Еnglish Plus Starter TEACHER’S BOOK (TB) 2nd edition (second edition) (в формате pdf, в котором есть возможность поиска слов и фраз) – РАБОЧАЯ КНИГА для УЧИТЕЛЯ (ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЯ) а также для РОДИТЕЛЕЙ (в помощь родителям при выполнении домашнего задания с ребенком или для проверки правильности ответов на домашнее задание выполненных ребенком самостоятельно). Содержить все ответы на задания, размещенные в учебнике STUDENTS BOOK Starter и рабочей тетради WORKBOOK Starter, а также тексты - сценарии АУДИО ДИСКОВ к учебнику и рабочей тетради (фото 5-8) – 15грн - 3 (три) АУДИО ДИСКА – 15грн: 2 AUDIO CD (2 АУДИО ДИСКА в формате mp3) к English Plus Starter STUDENT’S BOOK 2nd edition 1 AUDIO CD (1 АУДИО ДИСК в формате mp3) к English Plus Starter WORKBOOK 2nd edition Учебник, рабочая книга, аудио высылаются на любой Ваш e-mail (электронную почту), после оплаты. Оплата на карточку Приват (реквизиты карточки на Ваш e-mail) Не всегда есть возможность ответить на звонок в рабочее время до 19:00, поэтому, если у Вас есть вопросы, пожалуйста позвоните после 19:00 или пишите под объявлением в любое удобное для Вас время, обязательно Вам ответим как только прочитаем Ваше сообщение. Все по-честному и без обмана. ВСЕМ ЖЕЛАЕМ ХОРОШЕГО ДНЯ!!!


Family and Friends 2nd уровни Starter, 1,2,3,4,5,6
2022-01-19 - Книги и журналы- Днепр
Предлагаю печать качественных цветных учебных материалов серии Family and Friends 2nd всех уровней. Family and Friends - шестиуровневый курс английского языка для детей начальной школы с различной степенью восприятия информации. Содержит в себе эффективные методы обучения грамматике, чтению и письму, помогает применять английский язык в повседневной жизни. Можно заказывать книги, по отдельности или наборами: книга и рабочая тетрадь; книга, грамматика и рабочая тетрадь; книга; рабочая тетрадь; грамматика. Цена указана за 1 книгу учебник, тетрадь или грамматика. Комплект из 2х книг стоит 200,00 грн, из 3 соответственно 300,00 грн. Комплект включает в себя: Class Book - цветная печать, Work Book - ч/б печать, как и в оригинале (титульная страница и последняя цветные) Полностью соответствуют оригиналам. Так же комплект можно дополнить Грамматикой 1,2,3,4,5,6 уровень. цветная печать.


Family and Friends Starter 1 2 3 4 5 6
2024-01-19 - Книги и журналы- Київ
Family and Friends 1-6 Комплект Classbook і Workbook на пластикових пружинах - 270 грн, на металевих пружинах - комплект 300 грн В наявності також: Family and Friends Starter - 250 грн Grammar Friends 2-4 - по 100 грн Grammar Friends 5-6 - по 120 грн Для замовлення пишіть на Viber 068971294п‘ять


Family and Friends Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 : ClassBook+Workbook+CD
2023-04-15 - Книги и журналы- Гнідин
Для прискорення процесу замовлення навчальних матеріалів радимо проводити оформлення на нашому сайті за посиланням Відгуки про компанію можна подивитись тут: Хочемо зауважити, що дзвінки на мобільний приймаються лише в робочий час з 9:00 до 19:00, з понеділка по суботу. Неділя - вихідний. Повідомлення на Viber (перший та другий номери в контактах) приймаються в будь-який час доби. Якісний кольоровий друк книг серії Family and Friends second edition. Книги повністю відповідають оригіналам і не містять відміток, сторонніх водяних знаків та інших дефектів. Обкладинка заламінована. Друк виконується виключно водостійкими чорнилами. Відправляємо наложеним платежем, по предплаті або OLX-доставкою. Новою поштою або Укрпоштою. Ціна за комплект ClassBook + WorkBook на металевій пружині: При замовленні 1-9 комплектів - 245 грн./комплект При замовленні 10-19 комплектів - 235 грн./комплект При замовленні 20 та більше комплектів - 225 грн./комплект Рівень Starter - на 65 грн. дешевше Також робимо: проклеєні, як в оригіналі +20 грн./комплект або з твердою обкладинкою +100 грн./комплект В наявності є всі рівні. Також до кожного рівня мається Grammar Friends (Граматика) та інші додаткові матеріали. CD +15 грн. або надаємо безкоштовне посилання на завантаження аудіоматеріалів.


Продам Grammarway 1,2,3,4. Продам English World Family and friends
2023-04-01 - Книги и журналы- Харків
Продам Grammarway 1,2,3,4. Цветная печать. Количество страниц некоторых уровней учебника до 300 стр 185 грн. Звоните для оформления заказа О5О-77З-6Ч-6О , если вы читаете поздно вечером или неудобно говорить, пишите на тлф/вайбер О6З-69Ч-О6-79! Продам English World Продам Family and friendsПродам комплекты: • Academy Stars •New Challenges • Family and Friends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 •Grammar Friends (Грамматика к Family and Friends) • Fly High 1 2 3 4 • Fun Grammar (Грамматика Fly High) • English World 1 2 3 4 5 6 • Laser • Navigate • Optimise • Solutions • Speakout • Round Up • Real Life • Prime Time • First Friends • Welcome


Family and Friends - Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - комплекты, 1st & 2nd
2022-07-30 - Книги и журналы- Харків
050-012-19-00 (viber, telegram)Заказы обсуждаются и принимаются в письменном видеПо поводу печати других учебников обращайтесь в вайбер/телеграм.У нас наилучшее качество печати - без полос и пятен!Печатаем в течении дня, на большие заказы срок уточняйте.Печать комплектов Family and Friends (все уровни)Family and Friends Class book + Work Book (комплект 2 книги, цветная печать)200 грн - со стандартными обложками220 грн - с ламинированными обложкамиСкидка при заказе от 10 комплектов!Также печатаем отдельные книг из этой серии - Class book, Work book, Testing and Evaluation Book, Flashcards, The Sandcastle Competition: список ниже (в скобках цена за книгу с ламинированными обложками)Скидка при заказе от 5 отдельных книг (комплекты не учитываются)!Все книги печатаются под заказ!Двусторонняя печать и переплет на пластиковую пружину с прозрачной пластиковой обложкой и плотной подложкой (входит в стоимость).Ламинирование передней и задней обложки вместо пластиковой обложки и подкладки делаем по желанию +10 грн за 1 книгу.Если Вы хотите напечатать книгу, которая есть у Вас в электронном варианте - напишите нам, мы просчитаем её стоимость и ответим Вам.При заказе 5 и более отдельных книг скидки до 10% от суммы заказа!На комплекты скидка - 5% при заказе 10 и более комплектов!ДОСТАВКА:В Харькове доступен самовывозТакже в Харькове есть доставка своим курьером. Стоимость - от 50 грн до 150 грн в зависимости от адреса.По Украине отправляем Новой почтой, Укрпочтой и Джастин.ПРАВИЛА ОПЛАТЫ:На книги в прайсе предоплата обязательна в размере не менее 50% от стоимости заказа наличными или на карту.Скидка возможна только на печать по полной предоплате!Книги заказчика, которых нет в прайсе - всегда печатаются только после полной предоплаты!Мы предоставляем возможность приобрести электронные версии книг: 1 книга - 20 грн, 2 книги - по 17 грн каждая, 3 и более книг - по 15 грн каждаяПечатаем также другие книги по английскому языку, немецкому, французскому, испанскому, польскому, китайскому, турецкому и словенскому языках. У нас самый большой перечень книг для печати - более 1000 позиций в прайсе!Прайс на другие книги отправим по запросу.


Family and Friends - Starter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - комплекты, 1st & 2nd
2023-01-25 - Книги и журналы- Харків
05*********00 (viber, telegram) Заказы обсуждаются и принимаются в письменном виде По поводу печати других учебников обращайтесь в вайбер/телеграм. У нас наилучшее качество печати - без полос и пятен! Печатаем в течении дня, на большие заказы срок уточняйте. Печать комплектов Family and Friends (все уровни) Family and Friends Class book + Work Book (комплект 2 книги, цветная печать) 210 грн - со стандартными обложками 230 грн - с ламинированными обложками Скидка при заказе от 10 комплектов! Также печатаем отдельные книг из этой серии - Class book, Work book, Testing and Evaluation Book, Flashcards, The Sandcastle Competition: список ниже (в скобках цена за книгу с ламинированными обложками) Скидка при заказе от 5 отдельных книг (комплекты не учитываются)! Все книги печатаются под заказ! Двусторонняя печать и переплет на пластиковую пружину с прозрачной пластиковой обложкой и плотной подложкой (входит в стоимость). Ламинирование передней и задней обложки вместо пластиковой обложки и подкладки делаем по желанию +10 грн за 1 книгу. Если Вы хотите напечатать книгу, которая есть у Вас в электронном варианте - напишите нам, мы просчитаем её стоимость и ответим Вам. При заказе 5 и более отдельных книг скидки до 10% от суммы заказа! На комплекты скидка - 5% при заказе 10 и более комплектов! ДОСТАВКА: В Харькове доступен самовывоз Также в Харькове есть доставка своим курьером. Стоимость - от 50 грн до 150 грн в зависимости от адреса. По Украине отправляем Новой почтой, Укрпочтой и Джастин. ПРАВИЛА ОПЛАТЫ: На книги в прайсе предоплата обязательна в размере не менее 50% от стоимости заказа наличными или на карту. Скидка возможна только на печать по полной предоплате! Книги заказчика, которых нет в прайсе - всегда печатаются только после полной предоплаты! Мы предоставляем возможность приобрести электронные версии книг: 1 книга - 20 грн, 2 книги - по 17 грн каждая, 3 и более книг - по 15 грн каждая Печатаем также другие книги по английскому языку, немецкому, французскому, испанскому, польскому, китайскому, турецкому и словенскому языках. У нас самый большой перечень книг для печати - более 1000 позиций в прайсе! Прайс на другие книги отправим по запросу.


Plutocrats, C. Freeland книга англійською на английском
2022-03-11 - Книги и журналы- Киев
Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else by Chrystia Freeland Стан: дуже добрий/4+ Опис: A Financial Times Best Book of the Year Winner of the 2013 Lionel Gelber Prize There has always been some gap between rich and poor in this country, but in the last few decades what it means to be rich has changed dramatically. Alarmingly, the greatest income gap is not between the 1 percent and the 99 percent, but within the wealthiest 1 percent of our nation--as the merely wealthy are left behind by the rapidly expanding fortunes of the new global super-rich. Forget the 1 percent; Plutocrats proves that it is the wealthiest 0.1 percent who are outpacing the rest of us at break-neck speed. What’s changed is more than numbers. Today, most colossal fortunes are new, not inherited--amassed by perceptive businessmen who see themselves as deserving victors in a cut-throat international competition. As a transglobal class of successful professionals, today’s self-made oligarchs often feel they have more in common with one another than with their countrymen back home. Bringing together the economics and psychology of these new super-rich, Plutocrats puts us inside a league very much of its own, with its own rules. The closest mirror to our own time is the late nineteenth century Gilded Age--the era of powerful ‘robber barons’ like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. Then as now, emerging markets and innovative technologies collided to produce unprecedented wealth for more people than ever in human history. Yet those at the very top benefited far more than others--and from this pinnacle they exercised immense and unchecked power in their countries. Today’s closest analogue to these robber barons can be found in the turbulent economies of India, Brazil, and China, all home to ferocious market competition and political turmoil. But wealth, corruption, and populism are no longer constrained by national borders, so this new Gilded Age is already transforming the economics of the West as well. Plutocrats demonstrates how social upheavals generated by the first Gilded Age may pale in comparison to what is in store for us, as the wealth of the entire globalized world is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. Cracking open the tight-knit world of the new global super-rich is Chrystia Freeland, an acclaimed business journalist who has spent nearly two decades reporting on the new transglobal elite. She parses an internal Citigroup memo that urges clients to design portfolios around the international “Plutonomy” and not the national “rest”; follows Russian, Mexican, and Indian oligarchs during the privatization boom as they manipulate the levers of power to commandeer their local economies; breaks down the gender divide between the vast female-managed ‘middle class’ and the world’s one thousand billionaires; shows how, by controlling both the economic and political institutions of their nation, the richest members of China’s National People’s Congress have amassed more wealth than every branch of American government combined--the president, his cabinet, the justices of the Supreme Court, and both houses of Congress. Though the results can be shocking, Freeland dissects the lives of the world’s wealthiest individuals with empathy, intelligence, and deep insight. Brightly written, powerfully researched, and propelled by fascinating original interviews with the plutocrats themselves, Plutocrats is a tour-de-force of social and economic history, and the definitive examination of inequality in our time.


Family and friends 2nd 2 издание ClassBook+Workbook
2022-05-06 - Книги и журналы- Одесса
Family and friends 2nd ClassBook+WorkBook Книги чистые, без пометок Цена за комплект уровня Starter, по остальным уточняйте Есть все уровни этих учебников от Starter до 6 уровня Также есть граматики Grammar Friends. Спрашивайте.


Focus 1, 2, 3, 4. ТЕРМІНОВИЙ Друк підручників. Срочная печать книг
2023-05-30 - Книги и журналы- Полтава
Focus 1, 2, 3, 4 2nd Ed. Друге (нове) видання. Ціна договірна. Кольоровий, якісний друк. Металева пружина, хороший папір. Також є: All Clear For Ukraine 5 Dele Espanol Destination English File 3rd edition English File 4th edition (нове видання!) English Plus Family and friends 2nd ed Starter Family and friends 2nd ed, First friends Focus 1-е та 2-е(нове!) видання Get 200! Go Getter! Grammar practice pearson GrammarWay Hurra! po polsku Key Note New challenges Next Move Objective proficiency On Screen Outcomes Prepare! Prime Time Proficiency Gold Real Life Roadmap Solutions Speak Out 1st edition Speak Out 2nd edition (усі рівні) Team Together The New Round-Up Upstream Proficiency Wider world Wishes Та будь-які інші книги/підручники Додаткові матеріали (аудіо-, фото-матеріали, картки та ін.) Телеграм на номері 05******99 Вайбер/Ватсап на номері 06******66


Family and friends Starter, 1,2,3,4,5,6
2022-12-27 - Книги и журналы- Одеса
Цветные учебники и тетради Family and friends. В комплект входит Class book, Workbook. Цена указана за комплект Starter. Скрепление пластиковой, металической пружиной. Family and friends 1 - 6 - 240грн. Grammar friends 1- 6 - 90 грн Отправка НП, Укрпочтой, Justin или самовывоз .


Outcomes - Beginner, Elementary, Pre-, Interm-, Upper-, Advanced
2023-07-25 - Книги и журналы- Харків
Для замовлення та по усім питанням пишіть нам у повідомлення: Telеgrаm/Vibеr - 05******00 (з понеділка по суботу з 9 до 17) INSTАGRАM booksprinting Ціна в оголошенні вказана за один комплект будь-якого рівня. Є оптові знижки - від 10-и комплектів! Доступні для замовлення: Outcomes Elementary Student's book 1st Outcomes Elementary Workbook 1st Outcomes Elementary 1st (комплект Student кольорова + Work book ч/б) Outcomes Beginner Student's book 2nd Outcomes Beginner Workbook 2nd Outcomes Beginner Teachers's book 2nd Outcomes Beginner (комплект Student кольорова + Work book ч/б) Outcomes Elementary Student's book 2nd Outcomes Elementary Workbook 2nd Outcomes Elementary (комплект Student кольорова + Work book ч/б) Outcomes Pre-Intermediate Student's book 2nd Outcomes Pre-Intermediate Workbook 2nd Outcomes Pre-Intermediate Teachers's book 2nd Outcomes Pre-Intermediate (комплект Student кольорова + Work book ч/б) Outcomes Intermediate Student's book 2nd Outcomes Intermediate Workbook 2nd Outcomes Intermediate (комплект Student кольорова + Work book ч/б) Outcomes Upper Intermediate Student's book Outcomes Upper Intermediate Workbook Outcomes Upper Intermediate Teachers's book 2nd Outcomes Upper Intermediate (комплект Student кольорова + Work book ч/б) Outcomes Advanced Student's book Outcomes Advanced Work Book Outcomes Advanced (комплект Student цвет + Work book ч/б) До деяких рівнів є аудіо та відео! Детальні фото книг можна переглянути в Instаgrаm або надішлемо на запит. Можна окремо купити книгу або зошит. У нас також є багато інших книг для вивчення різних мов і не тільки! У прайсі більше 1500 найменувань, щодо інших книг пишіть нам у повідомлення.


Talent Wins англійська книга книжка English book
2024-06-28 - Книги и журналы- Львів
Radical Advice for Reinventing Talent--and HR Most executives today recognize the competitive advantage of human capital, and yet the talent practices their organizations use are stuck in the twentieth century. Typical talent-planning and HR processes are designed for predictable environments, traditional ways of getting work done, and organizations where "lines and boxes" still define how people are managed. As work and organizations have become more fluid--and business strategy is no longer about planning years ahead but about sensing and seizing new opportunities and adapting to a constantly changing environment--companies must deploy talent in new ways to remain competitive. Turning conventional views on their heads, talent and leadership experts Ram Charan, Dominic Barton, and Dennis Carey provide leaders with a new and different playbook for acquiring, managing, and deploying talent--for today's agile, digital, analytical, technologically driven strategic environment--and for creating the HR function that business needs. Filled with examples of forward-thinking companies that have adopted radical new approaches to talent (such as ADP, Amgen, BlackRock, Blackstone, Haier, ING, Marsh, Tata Communications, Telenor, and Volvo), as well as the juggernauts and the startups of Silicon Valley, this book shows leaders how to bring the rigor that they apply to financial capital to their human capital--elevating HR to the same level as finance in their organizations. Providing deep, expert insight and advice for what needs to change and how to change it, this is the definitive book for reimagining and creating a talent-driven organization that wins.


Sally Rooney/ Салли Руни Разговоры с друзьями в оригинале NEW
2022-03-19 - Книги и журналы- Одесса
Книга новая, никто не читал В 2022 по ней выйдет одноименный сериал, так что спешите прочесть! 336 страниц A sharply intelligent novel about friendship, lust, jealousy, and the unexpected complications of adulthood in the 21st century. From the bestselling author of Normal People, now a major TV series screening on Stan. Frances is a cool-headed and darkly observant young woman, vaguely pursuing a career in writing while studying in Dublin. Her best friend and comrade-in-arms is the beautiful and endlessly self-possessed Bobbi. At a local poetry performance one night, Frances and Bobbi catch the eye of Melissa, a well-known photographer, and as the girls are then gradually drawn into Melissa's world, Frances is reluctantly impressed by the older woman's sophisticated home and tall, handsome husband, Nick. However amusing and ironic Frances and Nick's flirtation seems at first, it gives way to a strange intimacy, and Frances's friendship with Bobbi begins to fracture. As Frances tries to keep her life in check, her relationships increasingly resist her control: with Nick, with her difficult and unhappy father, and finally, terribly, with Bobbi. Desperate to reconcile her inner life to the desires and vulnerabilities of her body, Frances's intellectual certainties begin to yield to something new: a painful and disorienting way of living from moment to moment. Written with gem-like precision and marked by a sly sense of humour, Conversations with Friends is wonderfully alive to the pleasures and dangers of youth, and the messy edges of female friendship.


Solutions 3d Ed. Друк книг, друк підручників, печать книг, учебников
2022-09-01 - Книги и журналы- Полтава
Зовнішній вигляд як на фото(100% нові). Якісний папір, цупка обкладинка, що додатково захищена пластиком. Пружина металева (довговічніша та зручніша за пластикову). Швидко. Ціна відповідає якості. Доставка по Україні. Будь-які об’єми. Різні форми оплати(передплата не обов'язкова!). Ціна вказана за 1 комплект (Підручник+робочий зошит) при замовленні від 50 комплектів. (ціна залежить від об'єму). Якщо не відповів на телефонний дзвінок – пишіть у Telegram(бажано), Viber, WhatsApp, також через OLX та СМС. Також: All Clear For Ukraine 5 Dele Espanol Destination English File 3rd edition English File 4th edition (нове видання!) English Plus Family and friends 2nd ed Starter Family and friends 2nd ed, First friends Focus 1-е та 2-е(нове!) видання Get 200! Go Getter! Grammar practice pearson GrammarWay Hurra! po polsku Key Note New challenges Next Move Objective proficiency On Screen Outcomes Prepare! Prime Time Proficiency Gold Real Life Roadmap Solutions Speak Out 1st edition Speak Out 2nd edition (усі рівні) Team Together The New Round-Up Upstream Proficiency Wider world Wishes Та будь-які інші книги/підручники Додаткові матеріали (аудіо-, фото-матеріали, картки та ін.).


Solutions. ТЕРМІНОВИЙ Друк книг, друк підручників, СРОЧНАЯ печать
2023-05-24 - Книги и журналы- Полтава
Зовнішній вигляд як на фото(100% нові). Якісний папір, цупка обкладинка, що додатково захищена пластиком. Пружина металева (довговічніша та зручніша за пластикову). Швидко. Ціна відповідає якості. Доставка по Україні. Будь-які об’єми. Різні форми оплати(передплата не обов'язкова!). Ціна вказана за 1 комплект (Підручник+робочий зошит) при замовленні від 50 комплектів. (ціна залежить від об'єму). Якщо не відповів на телефонний дзвінок – пишіть у Telegram(бажано), Viber, WhatsApp, також через OLX та СМС. Також: All Clear For Ukraine 5 Dele Espanol Destination English File 3rd edition English File 4th edition (нове видання!) English Plus Family and friends 2nd ed Starter Family and friends 2nd ed, First friends Focus 1-е та 2-е(нове!) видання Get 200! Go Getter! Grammar practice pearson GrammarWay Hurra! po polsku Key Note New challenges Next Move Objective proficiency On Screen Outcomes Prepare! Prime Time Proficiency Gold Real Life Roadmap Solutions Speak Out 1st edition Speak Out 2nd edition (усі рівні) Team Together The New Round-Up Upstream Proficiency Wider world Wishes Та будь-які інші книги/підручники Додаткові матеріали (аудіо-, фото-матеріали, картки та ін.).


Prime Time 1, 2. ТЕРМІНОВИЙ друк книг, підручників, Печать книг
2023-05-24 - Книги и журналы- Полтава
Зовнішній вигляд як на фото(100% нові). Якісний папір, цупка обкладинка, що додатково захищена пластиком. Пружина металева (довговічніша та зручніша за пластикову). Швидко. Ціна відповідає якості. Доставка по Україні. Будь-які об’єми. Різні форми оплати(передплата не обов'язкова!). Ціна вказана за 1 комплект Prime Time 1 (підручник+робочий зошит) при замовленні від 50 комплектів. (ціна залежить від об'єму). Якщо не відповів на телефонний дзвінок – пишіть у Telegram(бажано), Viber, WhatsApp, також через OLX та СМС. Також: All Clear For Ukraine 5 Dele Espanol Destination English File 3rd edition English File 4th edition (нове видання!) English Plus Family and friends 2nd ed Starter Family and friends 2nd ed, First friends Focus 1-е та 2-е(нове!) видання Get 200! Go Getter! Grammar practice pearson GrammarWay Hurra! po polsku Key Note New challenges Next Move Objective proficiency On Screen Outcomes Prepare! Prime Time Proficiency Gold Real Life Roadmap Solutions Speak Out 1st edition Speak Out 2nd edition (усі рівні) Team Together The New Round-Up Upstream Proficiency Wider world Wishes Та будь-які інші книги/підручники Додаткові матеріали (аудіо-, фото-матеріали, картки та ін.)


Продам Raund Up 1,2,3,4,5,6 все цветное/Family and Friends,Fly High
2023-04-01 - Книги и журналы- Харків
Продам Raund Up 1,2,3,4,5,6 все цветное.Цена за комплект книга + тетрадь любого уровня от 120 грнЗвоните для оформления заказа О5О-77З-6Ч-6О , если вы читаете поздно вечером или неудобно говорить, пишите на тлф/вайбер О6З-69Ч-О6-79!Продам комплекты:• Academy Stars•New Challenges• Family and Friends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8•Grammar Friends (Грамматика к Family and Friends)• Fly High 1 2 3 4 • Grammar Fly High (Грамматика Fly High)• English World 1 2 3 4 5 6• Laser• Optimise• Solutions• Round Up• Real Life• Prime Time• First Friends• Welcome


Продам English World Pupilsbook workbook. Grammar/Family and Friends,
2023-04-01 - Книги и журналы- Харків
Продам English World 1,2,3,4,5,6 Pupilsbook + workbook комплект . Все цветное. Цена за комплект книга + тетрадь любого уровня 235 грн Звоните для оформления заказа О5О-77З-6Ч-6О , если вы читаете поздно вечером или неудобно говорить, пишите на тлф/вайбер О6З-69Ч-О6-79ВИДЕО ОБРАЗЕЦ: ОБРАЗЕЦ на yout u be: Продам комплекты: • Academy Stars •New Challenges • Family and Friends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 •Grammar Friends ( Грамматика к Family and Friends) • Fly High 1 2 3 4 • Fun Grammar ( Грамматика Fly High) • English World 1 2 3 4 5 6 • Laser • Navigate • Optimise • Solutions • Speakout • Round Up • Real Life • Prime Time • First Friends • Welcome


Продам Fly High 1,2,3,4 Fun Grammar, Family and Friends,English World
2024-03-21 - Книги и журналы- Харьков
Продам Fly High 1,2,3,4 Pupilsbook + workbook комплект . Все цветное. Цена за комплект книга + тетрадь любого уровня – 225 грн Звоните для оформления заказа О5О-77З-6Ч-6О , если вы читаете поздно вечером или неудобно говорить, пишите на тлф/вайбер О6З-69Ч-О6-79! ОБРАЗЕЦ на youtube: Продам комплекты: • Academy Stars •New Challenges • Family and Friends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 •Grammar Friends (Грамматика к Family and Friends) • Fly High 1 2 3 4 • Fun Grammar (Грамматика Fly High) • English World 1 2 3 4 5 6 • Laser • Navigate • Optimise • Solutions • Speakout • Round Up • Real Life • Prime Time • First Friends • Welcome


Japanese Woodblock Prints. 40th Андреас Маркс
2022-05-30 - Книги и журналы- Киев
Оригинал Абсолютно новая Издательство TASCHEN Твердый Переплёт From Edouard Manet's portrait of naturalist writer Emile Zola sitting among his Japanese art finds to Van Gogh's meticulous copies of the Hiroshige prints he devotedly collected, 19th-century pioneers of European modernism made no secret of their love of Japanese art. In all its sensuality, freedom, and effervescence, the woodblock print is single-handedly credited with the wave of japonaiserie that first enthralled France and, later, all of Europe-but often remains misunderstood as an "exotic" artifact that helped inspire Western creativity. The fact is that the Japanese woodblock print is a phenomenon of which there exists no Western equivalent. Some of the most disruptive ideas in modern art-including, as Karl Marx put it, that "all that is solid melts into air"-were invented in Japan in the 1700s and expressed like never before in the designs of such masters as Hokusai, Utamaro, and Hiroshige in the early 19th century. This volume, derived from the original XXL monograph, lifts the veil on a much-loved but little-understood art form by presenting the most exceptional Japanese woodblock prints in their historical context. Ranging from the 17th-century development of decadent ukiyo-e, or "pictures of the floating world," to the decline and later resurgence of prints in the early 20th century, the images collected in this edition make up an unmatched record not only of a unique genre in art history, but also of the shifting mores and cultural development of Japan. From mystical mountains to snowy passes, samurai swordsmen to sex workers in shop windows, each piece is explored as a work of art in its own right, revealing the stories and people behind the motifs. We discover the four pillars of the woodblock print-beauties, actors, landscapes, and bird-and-flower compositions-alongside depictions of sumo wrestlers, kabuki actors, or enticing courtesans-rock stars who populated the "floating world" and whose fan bases fueled the frenzied production of woodblock prints. We delve into the horrifying and the obscure in prints where demons, ghosts, man-eaters, and otherworldly creatures torment the living-stunning images that continue to influence Japanese manga, film, and video games to this day. We witness how, in their incredible breadth, from everyday scenes to erotica, the martial to the mythological, these works are united by the technical mastery and infallible eye of their creators and how, with tremendous ingenuity and tongue-in-cheek wit, publishers and artists alike fought to circumvent government censorship. As part of our 40th anniversary series, this edition compiles the finest extant impressions from museums and private collections across the globe in a lightweight, accessible format, offering extensive descriptions to guide us through this frantic period in Japanese art history.

